
FASP - An effective search algorithm

A meta-heuristic search algorithm for solving graph optimization problem. Learnt to conduct research, leverage data structures to represent real-world problems and write technical articles


An online evaluation tool built using MongoDB, Express, React.js and NodeJs (MERN) stack. Learnt to handle APIs, front-end development and client server architecture.

Stockmarket Portfolio Analyzer

Implemented the core logic of the portfolio manager using Data Structures in Java. Refactored code to add support for multiple stock quote services using Factory Design Pattern.

Predict the News Category

A machine learning project built to classify news articles based on keywords. Learnt to implement NLP pipeline using Python for making predictions.

Automatic licence plate recognition

A deep learning approach to automatically read the licence plate number.Learnt to annotate images and train models using TensorFlow.

Traffic volume prediction using Machine learning

A time-series forecasting technique implemented to predict the traffic volume of a place based on multiple parameters. Learnt to conduct data analysis on a dataset, visualize data to find trends and in turn apply the right data-driven technique.