Abhishek Chandar

Abhishek Chandar

Incoming MSc thesis student

University of Ottawa


I am primarily interested to conduct research on Artificial Intelligence in an attempt to develop AI-driven solutions solving real-world industry problems. As a stepping stone towards this ambitious goal, I focus on improving my capacity to not only conduct effective research but also translate it into production-ready products to create a direct impact on the users.

Check out my recent publications and technical articles.

  • Machine learning
  • Evolutionary Computation
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Software Engineering
  • AI for climate
  • Master of Computer Science - Concentration in Applied AI, 2023

    University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

  • B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering, 2021

    SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India


Backend Developer
Jan 2020 – Apr 2020 Remote

Responsibilities include:

  • Built a stock market analyzer using two real-time stock market APIs
  • Implemented Factory design pattern as a runtime interface for creating objects
  • Worked on serialization and deserialization of Json response into JAVA POJO objects and vice versa
AT&T Aspire Intern
Aug 2019 – Oct 2019 Remote

Responsibilities include:

  • Developed a Spam classification tool to identify and classify spam text using Machine learning
  • Implemented Natural language preprocessing techniques
  • Conducted comparitive analysis on different ML algorithms and concluded that Support Vector Machines (SVM) resulted in highest accuracy
Student Researcher
Jan 2018 – Jan 2021 Chennai, India

Responsibilities include:

  • Built an end-to-end implementation of an online self evaluation tool eSkill which is actively used by 10,000+ students and faculties.
  • Worked on MERN stack applications and cloud deployment of web applications
  • Learnt to conduct research effectively

Recent & Upcoming Talks

Prediction of annual Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) using Parametric Deep learning model


Fundamentals of Visualization with Tableau
See certificate
Foundations of Data Science - K-Means Clustering in Python
See certificate